
Blog posts : "america"

Fellow members of these organizations thank you for breaking every promise you made to future generations after World War II.*   You agreed to the following from the United Nations Charter   WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED* to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war...

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Dear Friends:It has been some time since I wrote a letter since we have all these new technologies. There is an app for everything under the Sun yet we rarely talk face to face. I prefer the conversations over a good cup of coffee to a line of text any day of the week.As you know I remain disconn...

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War on Terror - Part 1 - Noam Chomsky Why do our Governments hide behind walls during their G8, G20 etc. meetings? Are they no longer responsible to the people who voted for them? Why are these elected officials constantly telling a lie when the truth would get the citizens involved? How did it...

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The Art of Doing Nothing?

A friend of mine recently became angry over the idleness of a 19-year-old male. "He's doing nothing." he said bitterly.   Road rage, office rage, and even relationship rage are familiar to us. But now idleness rage has emerged. Frequently I hear people complain about the idleness of young people...

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4 blog posts