
Blog posts March 2009

Notes from the War Zone

The first note needed is my sincerest apology to those who had their life effected by association with me. To you I offer my deepest apology. It was never my intention to bring any kind of harm into your lives. I was taught by some fascinating people from around the world while in College. They...

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The US, Colonial Canada and Italy have announced they will not attend the United Nations Conference on Racism out of their misplaced fear. They are using the Israeli cover story so they can side step this overlooked fact. On March 14, 2009 Der Spiegel, the ezine that wants Germans to stay in perp...

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You or going to love this illustration on what a Trillion $$ is! In the past 9 years 22 Trillion was spent on the making of war when you add it up. This shows 1 Trillion so imagine 22 Trillion. People wonder why they are broke?   What does one TRILLION dollars look like?   ...

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3 blog posts