
Blog posts January 2009

Letter to the Editor

People around the world are angry at America for our support for Israel and its mass murder in Gaza. We don’t see it on American TV, but in the past week there have been massive demonstrations all over the world: in London, Tel Aviv and Washington, DC. In Indonesia, Latin America and Turkey.   T...

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We will Not Go Down

After 8 years of the mass murders by Bush and his administration a protest song has appeared on YouTube. The governments of the United States (count in its few allies) and Israel must not be allowed to get away with mass murder in Gaza.Do not forget the mass murders and massacres still going on i...

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Different Point of View

Democracy Now journalist Amy Goodman speaks with Neve Gordon, an Israeli author . AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to go to Beersheba right now in Israel to Neve Gordon, chair of the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. He’s author of the book Israel’s Occu...

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1.Over One Million Iraqi deaths Caused by United States 2.900,000,000 people now Starving world wide 2 Democracy in Canada collapses 3 Google's heavy handed Censorship of the Internet 4 Seizing War Protesters’ Assets World Wide 5 Fraud, Torture and Human Trafficking 6 Mainstreaming of Nuclear Pow...

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4 blog posts